Ethereum - it is the second cryptocurrency after Bitcoin by popularity, and the first, by popularity, in smart contracts. Features of the project on the Ethereum smart contract:
1) Your Ethereum wallet can't be blocked or hached even theoretically.
2) CRYPTOHANDS system - a code, uploaded to the main Ethereum network. This can't be deleted or changed in that network. It means that Your account and CRYPTOHANDS system aswell can't be hacked or blocked even in theory.
3) The code is completely open, and any programmer in the world can make sure that the algorithm works this way and not otherwise.
4) All transactions are public and accepts automatically. Funds DIRECTLY go to Your Wallet, so you don't need to confirm or request payments. The human factor is excluded completely.
5) Even if the CRYPTOHANDS site ceases to exist and the administration disappears, the CRYPTOHANDS smart contract in the Ethereum network will continue to exist, and it means that the System itself will continue its work. Even in this case all the accounts and payments will continue to work properly. Any programmer in the world can make a site mirror of the same smart contract as the entire system, as well as a specific group.
6) You can invite referrals without a website at all. To register a referral you must send to the address of the smart contract 0.05 ETH and in the field "Input DATA " specify the address of your upline.
7) Ethereum cryptocurrencie allows to use Repeat function, saving decentralization and transfers directly between the parties through the smart contract.